The Gender and Development Focal Point System of Mines and Geosciences Bureau Regional Office No. XIII conducted a mangrove planting activity on March 22, 2017 in Brgy. San Isidro, Surigao City in keeping with the 2017 World Water Day Celebration.
With the theme “Wastewater,” this year’s celebration centers on wastewater and ways to reduce and reuse it as over 80% of all wastewater
from our homes, cities, industry and agriculture that flows back to the environment results in pollution and loss of nutrients. This calls for the need to improve the collection, treatment and safe reuse of wastewater. Similarly, the reduction of the quantity and pollution load of wastewater we produce is strongly encouraged in order to help protect the environment and our water resources.
Inspired by its clear-cut intent to intensify public awareness of the significant role of mangroves in preserving coastal ecosystems and maintaining the good quality of water, the MGB RXIII Gender and Development Focal Point System believes that a mangrove planting activity is a meaningful way of supporting the celebration. The employees saw the importance of mangroves in filtering water and maintaining its quality and clarity.
The employees passed through a dense nipa plantation before they reached the mangrove sanctuary. Carrying propagules and planting tools, they carefully crossed the muddy and slippery area toward their destination. The men went ahead of the women to clear the way and help them walk through as some portions are steeped in water. Amidst the soft glow of the morning sun, the MGB RXIII employees waded through the cool waters and eagerly went knee-deep to plant mangrove propagules within the stretch of the mangrove sanctuary in Brgy. San Isidro.
After the completion of their undertaking, the employees paused
for a while to appreciate the lush sanctuary and the tranquil mood that envelopes the area. The employees have proven that involvement in such cause-oriented activities assists in preserving the environment, sustaining the vital web of life and achieving the dynamic symbiosis of people and nature.