A team of geologists from the Mines and Geosciences Bureau Regional Office No. XIII attended the 2017 National Quadrangle Geological Mapping Workshop on February 5-11, 2017 at Ninong’s Hotel in East Washington, Legazpi City. The said workshop was hosted by the Mines and Geosciences Bureau Regional Office No. V. Mr. Romeo M. Dalodado, Chief Geologist; Melvin A. Mantilla, Supervising Geologist; Janeth S. Aparri, Geologist II; and Ralph Angelo B. Plaza, Geologist II of the MGB RXIII Geosciences Division participated in the workshop. The first day was set for the deliberation, review and editing of the Geologic Quadrangle Maps of Region III. On the second day, lecturers discussed the geology of CALABARZON and Bicol Region. The lectures and workshop on quadrangle map generation and basic skills in geologic mapping were discussed on the third day and participants were given some exercises on aerial photo interpretation using the fieldwork site photos later continue reading : MGB RXIII Geologists attend 2017 National Quadrangle Geological Mapping Workshop