Officers of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau Employees Association (MGBEA) Caraga Chapter attended the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS)-Public Sector Union’s Consultation on October 20, 2015 at the Philippine Gateway Hotel, Surigao City. It was attended by representatives of the National Line Agencies, and Local Government Units within Surigao del Norte. Atty. Jason C. Teng, GSIS Acting-Vice President for Mindanao presented the updates on GSIS policies and programs. He discussed the institutionalizing reforms undertaken by GSIS to provide a more responsive service to members and pensioners. He cited that the new GSIS is more transparent, more consultative and more members focused. Reforms for Pensioners: GSIS restored the survivorship benefit of surviving spouses even if they are gainfully employed or receiving income or pension from other institutions. No more Annual Renewal of Active Status (ARAS) Higher minimum pension and payment of proportionate pension. It also has new additional benefits, increased Funeral continue reading : MGBEA R13 Officers attend the GSIS Public Sector Unions’ Consultation