The Mines and Geosciences Bureau Regional Office No. XIII, in cooperation with Philsaga Mining Corporation (PMC), conducted a two-day Basic Life Support and Mass Incident Casualty Training on October 23 to 24, 2019 at Sarnimian Inland Resort in Rosario, Agusan del Sur. The training aimed to capacitate the small-scale miners in the enhancement of knowledge and skills in first aid administration and the development of quick instincts with regard to emergency response. This specifically aimed to equip the constituents with a responsive attitude should an on-site emergency arise. The training was held on the three approved small-scale mining contracts within the declared Minahang Bayan of Masabong Village Small-Scale Miners Association (MAVISSMA) in Barangay Bayugan 3, Rosario, Agusan del Sur. Seventy participants namely, small-scale miners, MAVISSMA Board of Directors, barangay and municipal local government unit personnel, PMC emergency response team, and MGB personnel participated in the training. The first part of continue reading : MGB ROXIII conducts Basic Life Support and Mass Casualty Incident Training