The Mines and Geosciences Bureau Regional Office No. XIII held an Orientation-Workshop on the Revised MGB Form No. 29-16 and Other Monitoring Reports Relative to Mineral Statistics and Economics and Regional Memorandum No. 2018-08 on January 30–31, 2019 at the Philippine Gateway Hotel in Surigao City. This is in line with the ongoing thrust of the government to effectively monitor the wealth accruing to the government and communities as a result of mining, particularly in the administration and disposition of mineral resources. The two-day activity was attended by 26 personnel from MGB RO No. XIII, together with 70 participants from 23 Caraga mining companies. The first day featured topics pertaining to Mineral Statistics and Economics such as Review on the Mineral Statistics and Economics-Related Reportorial Requirements; MGB Form No. 29-16 (Integrated Annual Report of Metallic, Non-Metallic, and Quarry Resources); Quarterly Monitoring Report of Investments and Employment of Metallic, Non-Metallic Minerals continue reading : MGB ROXIII holds Orientation-Workshop on Reportorial Requirements and Compliance Monitoring